Friday night’s match in the Showgrounds will be televised on RTE2. Coverage starts at 7.30pm, and kickoff is at 7.45pm

Was everyone delighted with the performance and win in our rivals’ backyard on Friday?

“Everyone was delighted. We all know that Dublin derbies are difficult fixtures, especially away from home but I felt that the players managed the game really well. We scored three goals and probably could have had a couple more, so we fully deserved the win. It was a really good night.”

Was it pleasing to capitalise on that first half dominance with the early goal from Andy, against his old club, and the second from the OG?

“Yes, it was because we’ve had a few games this year where we’ve been really good early on but haven’t capitalised on it, but in Dalymount we obviously did. The only disappointing thing was that we didn’t add one or two more before half-time to really kill the game. But it’s pleasing that our performance in the first half was matched by two goals.”

Bohs did have a 15 minute spell at the start of the second half. Did you expect that and how did you feel we responded to it?

“We did expect it. We knew they’d go more direct, that they’d go two up top and there’d be a little bit of pressure and there would have to be a response. I felt we were managing it quite well up until the goal. They had a little spell just before that and obviously they scored but thankfully we went and scored straight away, which killed any momentum that they were looking to build.”

Danny’s goal to make it 3-1 was an excellent finish and Danny himself spoke before the game about how it’s usually the team with the right mindset that wins the derby. Did you feel the team’s attitude was spot on?

“It was just as it has been, to be honest. It was nothing special and nothing changed. We just continued what we’ve been doing. I think we’ve seen that the last couple of months and saw it on Friday night again”.

What did you learn about Sligo’s visit to Tallaght last month in terms of the danger they could pose on Friday?

“We learned what we felt about them before that game, that they’re dangerous in the attacking part of the pitch. They showed that in Tallaght. They made two or three chances and scored two goals, so we definitely need to respect that and be ready for that, because they showed that they can be dangerous”.

The Showgrounds wasn’t always a happy hunting ground for Rovers but we’ve had a couple of good wins there in the last two seasons, so hopefully more of the same?

“We’ll just go there with the same mindset, the same attitude and desire to get three points, and hopefully that’s enough to get the win. We just need to go there and bring everything that we’ve been bringing all year and the result will look after itself.”

With five straight wins, the group must be full of confidence and is there a feeling that things are really clicking in recent weeks?

“We’re in a good spell at the moment but I feel we’ve been like that for quite some time. It’s just when you win games, your performances get highlighted even more. We’re doing OK but it would count for nothing if we don’t show up, respect the game and work extremely hard.”

Is Graham Burke ready to return to action and are there any injuries or suspensions?

“Graham is back. He’s trained all week and it’s great to have him back in. Thankfully everyone is fit.”